Meet the makers behind BeeGlue

On the surface Apiter Laboratories (Apiter) is a pharmaceutical grade manufacturing company. But Apiter’s roots run deep extending far beyond product manufacturing.
So, what’s the back story?
Apiter’s passion is developing health and wellness products that leverage the proven therapeutic properties of propolis. Think natural antiseptic support, natural antibacterial support, natural wound healing, immunity system and defence support, healthy teeth & gums support, soothes and protects skin, soothes dry or tickly throats …the list of benefits that propolis supports goes on!
Based in propolis perfect Uruguay, in South America, the Roth family officially founded Apiter in 1978 decades after their propolis journey first began.
As early as 1930 Alfonso Roth ventured into beekeeping on his family farm on Nueva Helvecia (Colonia Suiza), Uruguay. Some years later, he and his two sons had scaled the farms propolis production so they designed and implemented a purity process and began to export their superpowered ingredient.

The family then added a research and development stream dedicated to developing the best technology to obtain and protect the PropÒleo Propolis extract and its efficacious magic. Fair to say since then the Roths’ have made significant technical developments in growing, harvesting, processing, and formulating of Propolis to achieve integrity, purity, traceability and stability.
Take APIMESH® just one of the examples of Roth family brilliance, it’s a proprietary Harvesting a Quality Management System, to assure a continuous improvement in the sanitary management of the beehives.
Today, the legacy and passion of the Roth family is still buzzing as Apiter exports to over 10 major markets. Laura Roth, the granddaughter of Alfonzo Roth, and her husband Nicolás Cardozo lead the charge as Apiter’s COO and CEO.
An equally ‘wild about PropÒleo Propolis’ crowd are behind the BeeGlue brand. We are Final Mile, a Hawkes Bay based family-first organisation who enjoy a special bond with the team at Apiter.
We exist to offer kiwis sustainable health and wellness solutions to fix a range of tricky problems so you can…
Go Bee You!🧡